Deep Coaching supports those who want to explore at a more profound level of awareness, beyond the thinking mind. Deep Coaching helps you integrate purpose and direction with what wants to emerge from deep within. It's a process that leads to shifts not just in ways of doing – but in ways of being. 

As a Certified Deep Coaching Professional, I create a safe, trusting space for deep enquiry where you can take the time to explore what is important and meaningful for you, along with what may be getting in your way. My aim is to meet you where you are with your aspirations and concerns, to guide you towards deep awareness, and to help you come up with new possibilities for living your life in alignment with your true nature, values and unique gifts. 

The Deep Coaching process helps you to: 

Access a more expansive realm of self-awareness 
Let go of patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you 
Identify what you really want and create your intention accordingly 
Live with greater ease and acceptance, and freedom of choice 
Embody the changes you seek 

The Enneagram Personality Type System provides a framework for understanding the structure of the personality and the human condition.  I use this powerful tool to explore the motivations beneath your behaviour patterns, and to focus on specific practices that move you in the direction of growth and transformation. Being guided by your own body's wisdom and deep inner knowing, I help you gain insight into your internal landscape and to embrace self-acceptance with kindness and compassion. 

Contact me to find out more about deep coaching and how it might support you, I’ll then arrange a free introductory conversation so that we can decide if we’re a good fit to work together. There will be no obligation to take things further. We’ll discuss where you’re at and what you'd like to gain from coaching. I’ll explain what you can expect from working with me if you decide to go ahead. I would love to hear from you! 

Sessions are available in person (in Blackwood or Port Melbourne) or by video call. 

For further information visit Fiona Ross Coaching 

Integrating an Enneagram-based approach to the Practice of Presence

for Embodied Change