SCOTS Singer

sharing a passion for the scots song tradition

Fiona Ross has secured her reputation as a highly gifted interpreter of Scots song. She was a finalist for Scots Singer of the Year in Scotland's prestigious Trad Music Awards. Here in Australia, Fiona flies the flag for Scots song. Her honest, earthy singing style and extensive repertoire showcase the richness and diversity of the tradition. Her most recent album ~ Sunwise Turn ~ (Fiona Ross & Shane O'Mara) won Music Victoria's Best Folk Album Award and was a finalist for Traditional Album of the Year in the Australian Folk Music Awards


Fiona Ross Coaching

Deep Coaching using the Enneagram

Fiona Ross is a Certified Deep Coaching Professional. Deep Coaching is a specific method ideal for those who want to explore at a more profound level of self-awareness. Deep Coaching draws on your own body wisdom to help you integrate purpose and direction with what wants to emerge from deep within. The Enneagram can be used to provide a framework for identifying behaviour patterns along with opportunities for growth. Fiona offers Deep Coaching and Enneagram typing sessions in Blackwood, Melbourne and on zoom. Fiona is a Certified Practitioner accredited by the International Instititute of Complementary Therapists (IICT).

Sound Healing Practitioner

Sound Journeys

Fiona offers sound journeys for groups, individuals and organisations. 

She is a fully accredited sound healing practitioner and certified member of the International Instititute of Complementary Therapists (IICT). 

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

The sound journeys Fiona creates centre on her stunning collection of alchemy crystal singing bowls. The pure tones of the crystal bowls are combined with voice, drums, chimes and various other sound healing instruments to produce rich soundscapes that support well-being and relaxation. 

Fiona also offers one-to-one sound healing sessions.

Previous events


Alchemy Crystal Bowl Sound Baths 

I was introduced to Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls some years ago by a dear friend. I was immediately hooked! These bowls produce incredible sounds, possess amazing properties and look divine!  In recent years, I've built up quite a collection (17 at the moment!). Now, I'm finally taking these bowls out there for others to enjoy. I love creating sound baths combining the crystal singing bowls with voice and other sound healing instruments from across the world. Check out Events for my upcoming Alchemy Crystal Bowl Sound Baths. 

InterPlay at Folk Music Festivals 

For some time now I've been wanting to bring the various strands of my “offerings” together. Delighted to say that it's all coming together now. In 2022, I ran my first InterPlay sesson at a folk music festival - the National Celtic Festival in Portarlington to be precise. There was a great turnout and folk really enjoyed it. Thanks very much to the National Celtic Festival for giving me the chance to try out something different!  Since then, I've run InterPlay at a number of music festivals ~ Cygnet Festival, National Folk Festival, Sydney Folk Festival and more. I'll be running an InterPlay session at the Maldon Folk Festival in November. Hope to see you there! 

And the Countdown to the National Celtic Festival is on...! 

Can't wait to be back at the National Celtic Festival in Portarlington! An amazing lineup as always. I'll be performing with Shane O'Mara as well as doing some unaccompanied singing, hosting the House of Song singing session and more.... See you there! 

Festivals Opening Up Again in 2022! 

So excited to have an array of festival performances lined up in 2022! How amazing it will be to sing for live audiences again! A nice mixture of solo performances - unaccompanied song - and gigs with the wonderful Shane O'Mara in the pipeline. 

Sunwise Turn is Finalist in Australian Folk Music Awards 2021 

Shane O'Mara and I are delighted that Sunwise Turn is a finalist for Traditional Album of the Year in the Australian Folk Music Awards. Congratulations to fellow finalists, Cloudstreet & the Little Cloud Orchestra, Paddy Fitzgerald and Lisnacrieve, Liam Gerner & Luke Moller and the album Perfect Pearls (various artists).